
Visit of the control tower at Cointrin airport

31-05-2023 14:00 -16:00
CHF 10.- (free for members)
Visit of the control tower at Cointrin airport

A tour to an air control tower is an exciting experience that offers a unique perspective of the aviation industry. During the tour, visitors get to witness the complex and systematic operations of air traffic control, observe state-of-the-art technology and interact with experienced air traffic controllers. It is a great opportunity to learn about the aviation industry and appreciate the hard work and diligence of air traffic controllers in ensuring smooth and hassle-free flights for everyone.

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Visit to the Coty perfume factory

26-04-2023 14:00 -16:00
CHF10.- (free fo members)
Visit to the Coty perfume factory

During this visit the girls will discover the perfume industry.  Girls will also be able to watch perfumery experts create unique and sophisticated fragrances. The visit will conclude with explanations on the importance of packaging in this industry and the marketing and sales strategy for the commercialization of products, as well as Coty's strategy to reduce its carbon footprint in order to establish sustainability.


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Visit to CERN

05-04-2023 14:00 -16:00
 Visit to CERN

Virtual visit of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) at CERN.

During this visit of CERN, girls will have the unique opportunity to explore the CMS detector experimental site virtually. The CMS scientists will explain the physics and technology behind the experiment, show the surface and underground areas at Cessy and answer questions.

The CMS is a versatile detector, meaning that it is designed to observe any new physics that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) might reveal. The LHC, with its length of 27 km, is the largest and most powerful particle accelerator ever built. The CMS is located at one of the four collision points, named Point 5.


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Natural History Museum, guided tour

04-03-2023 10:30 -12:00
CHF 10.- / Free for members
 Natural History Museum, guided tour

National History Museum Geneva (Private guided tour)

Each year, we choose one of the exhibitions of the Natural History Museum for a private visit.

We had initially planned to present the temporary exhibition "All against the earth" but unfortunately this visit is no longer possible.

Instead, we invite you to join us for a guided tour by Chloë of one of the permanent galleries on evolution and taxidermy.

You will also be able to visit the temporary exhibition "Sublime disaster" for free.



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