Practical information for the biennial event


The 8th EYH Biennial Science Event will be held on 16 November 2024

Registration opens on 15 September 2024 (1 September for members)

The EYH Science Event is an event combining fun and hands on experiments. It caters to girls living in Geneva and the surrounding region, aged 11 - 14 years old or 8P and CO. There are activities in both French and English, delivered by local professional women in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering and technology. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, access to all activities of the biennial event, as well as the mid-day meal are completely free!

Lots of inspiring workshops, a discovery fair and a mentoring café!

We hope to attract 400 girls to take part in a selection from 25 workshops and 19 stands. The event will be packed with activities to show that science and technology can be fun and interesting for girls.

Have a look at the list of exciting workshops and discovery fair stands that were proposed in 2022.

Important information concerning the registration

  • All girls wishing to attend the event must register on line and have a confirmation ticket on their arrival at the event.
  • There is no registration on the day of the event.


Download the flyer


On the day of the conference

Check-in is between 08:15 – 08:45

Remember to bring your confirmation ticket.

Upon check-in you will receive your personal registration pack. In this pack you will find your final schedule, which will include two workshops (if possible the ones of your choice) and a visit at the discovery fair.

There is no need to bring a picnic. A hot lunch is provided for everyone.

08:15 – 08:45 Check-in
09:00 – 09:20  Welcome session
09:30 – 10:45  Workshop or discovery fair
11:00 – 12:15  Workshop or discovery fair
12:30 – 13:25  Lunch
13:30 – 14:45  Workshop or discovery fair
15:00 – 15:20  Closing session
15:30 Meet up with parents. Parents are asked to pick up their daughter(s) from the main hall.

Location and transport

The EYH Science Event will be held at the University of Geneva (Uni Mail). We encourage you to use public transport. See location and transport for more information about public transport and public car parks.


If you have already registered and realise that you can no longer attend the event, please inform us by sending an SMS to +41 79 456 99 10 or an EMAIL to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There are girls on a waiting list that will gladly take your place.

Group registration

Group registrations are encouraged. Please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Advantages for members

  • Priority registration
  • 3 workshops instead of 2
  • 2 guaranteed workshop choices

More information on the page Membership information

General terms and conditions

Please consult our general terms and conditions prior to the event.